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Yard Sale - Saturday, Feb. 16th. The location for the sale will be:
1218 S. Roosevelt St. in Tempe, AZ 85281
The major crossroads are University and Hardy

I really appreciate your help in this matter. As you know, my mom is not long for this world due to terminal cancer, which she has been battling since 2005. She is losing her battle and Hospice is now has been my Mom's wish to die at home and I am doing all I can to honor her wishes to the best of my I have had to miss a great deal of work during this time and spend all of my savings I am now forced to look to alternate means to pay the rent and other bills.

Hospice has the belief that she is going to leave us relatively soon...weeks, a month or more, I'm not sure, but I need to be with her. I would like to have a yard sale to raise money to pay bills next Sat and Sun the 16th and 17th of Feb. Dana brought up the idea for donations to be given, and I think that would be very helpful. I am not sure how to accomplish this. Thank you again for assisting me with this.

As you know, my mom loved football and she was the person that encouraged me to get involved at the age of 6...her decision is literally what helped me to develop the life skills that have kept me on the straight and narrow path...

Warren Waddell

If you can help Warren honor his Mother's wish, please contact him at the above phone number and Email. You can also bring donations to the AzFL games at Thunderbird High School on Saturdays. It is located on the NE corner of 19th Ave. and Thunderbird Road in Phoenix. Just tell them at the gate the the Donation is for Warren's Mom.  This Saturday there are four games, 9am, 11:30, 2pm and 4:30.

For the record; Warren has completed time in the Armed forces in two different branches. War zones, he can handle those. This season of time with his mother, he could use some help. He was and is willing to lay down his life for his country and friends. If you can help him in his time of need, please do so.