Wounded Warrior Project

Thank you Michael Martinez USMC, for your service and sacrifice!
We are praying that you heal quickly and come home soon.

Click the "contact us" link to the right or email us at to send in what you are able to enjoy because of a soldier.  Everyone is invited to submit items.

We want to let soldiers know that we do not take their sacrifices for granted.  Lets create a list of all the freedoms we enjoy because of our men and women in uniform!

Because of a soldier, I . . .

Get to play football on Saturdays

Can take hot showers

Can go to church with my family

Can raise a family

Get to vote

Celebrate holidays freely


Hitmen family and friends who are serving or have served, Thank you!

Michael Martinez, USMC
Joshua Smith, US Army
Lance Davison, USMC
Fi Yazzie, USMC
Timothy Richards, USAF
Daniel Richards, US Army
Daniel Richards Jr, USAF


Veterans Affairs official site. Thank you for Giving


Where does your strength come from?   CCOF.